Agenzia del Lavoro
The Agenzia del Lavoro (Employment Agency) is within the ambit of the Autonomous Province of Trento established with provincial law n.19 of 1983 and governed by its own Board of Directors made up of representatives of trades union and employers, officials of the Province, and two experts in labor policies appointed by the competent Assessor. The Employment Agency is responsible for implementing employment policies, making use of the employment centers, and the network of services of accredited private bodies. The implementation of policies is accompanied by the analysis and monitoring of the labor market and labor policy interventions.
API – Associazione Piccole e Medie Industrie
A.P.I., founded in 1946, has 1,982 associated industries covering all production areas, from engineering to construction, from chemical to plastic, from textiles to graphics and paper converting. These businesses employ 38,000 people in Monza – Brianza, South West Milan, Lodi, Pavia, and Bergamo.
Protection, Efficiency, Development, Innovation, Sustainability, Networking are the strategic areas of A.P.I. to ensure that businesses become part of a community of entrepreneurs whose goal is the development of SMEs.
A.P.I. works to ensure that companies have the tools to grow and increase Italian productivity and its knock-on beneficial effects for the country. This is why API’s goal is to contribute, each day, to the spread of the “culture of know-how” and the value of “doing business”.
AICCON – the Italian Association for the Promotion of the Culture of Cooperation and Non-Profit is the Study Center promoted by the University of Bologna, the Alliance of Italian Cooperatives, and numerous public and private bodies operating in the Social Economy. AICCON is based at the School of Economics and Management of Forlì – University of Bologna and is part of a national and international network of people and institutions which, the members of which form its core operations.
BIN – Basic Income Network
Basic Income Network Italy is an association founded in 2008, whose main objective is to promote the introduction of universal income protection welfare measures. It is the Italian affiliation of BIEN (Basic Income Earth Network and currently has over 400 members.
The Association is equipped with various tools to collect, promote, and disseminate the debate on the issue of welfare and rights at a national and international level. Over the years it has built a solid network of associations, institutions, academies, and social movements with which it promotes campaigns organizes cultural activities and public conferences, and produces publications.
More recently, BIN Italia has expanded its sphere of action by participating in international consortia and in some research funded by the European Commission.
Comune di Milano
The Urban Economy and Labor Department promotes the economic and employment development of the city of Milan based on the guidelines of the Department of Labor Policies, Productive Activities, Commerce, and Human Resources of the Municipality of Milan.
The Work and Training Area, which participates in the MASP Project for the Municipality of Milan, provides dedicated services to job seekers.
Its responsibilities include:
- Management of the training services and lifelong learning centers of the Municipality of Milan,
- Coordination of a Labor Market Observatory in collaboration with the most representative trades unions and social partners,
- Development of close relations with the business world and a careful analysis of issues relating to employment and work to facilitate the correct matching of the demand for employment with the offer
- Study and develop projects and project development (e.g. to promote employment, a better work-life, proactive job search strategies, etc.),
- Close collaboration with other services and bodies, both private and public, in the planning and management of initiatives aimed at increasing and improving employment opportunities for those living in Milan
Promotion of initiatives aimed at spreading a culture of health and safety in the workplace and greater Corporate Social Responsibility
Gruppo Cooperativo CGM which was set up in 1987 is today one of the largest Italian social enterprise networks. Its aim is to promote community welfare by planning and promoting quality services.
CGM is a national network made up of 57 consortia and social cooperatives, associations, and other not-for-profit entities numbering a total of 705.
CGM’s network provides social, health and well-being, and work integration services. CGM is focused on enterprise-oriented aspects, by encouraging entrepreneurial skills within its network and by working, at a national level as a promoter of local area development projects.
EUROMASC is a consultancy firm with experience and competence from long time cooperation with national and international organizations within vocational education and training (VET). EUROMASC is tracing its origins back to 1995 and operates as a 2008 spinoff from the Norwegian operation of the EU program Leonardo da Vinci at the National Institute of Technology.
The main field of operation is the implementation of Learning Outcome-based instruments for qualification definition and description.
Recognition of prior learning (RPL) with validation and accreditation of skills and competences, career guidance, and certification are supported with Skillsbank. This facilitates transparency and permeability between different strands of education and training and supports lifelong learning in general. Skillsbank includes the implementation and facilitation of transnational instruments like EQF, ECVET, ESCO, and Europass
AFOL Metropolitana
AFOL Metropolitana is a company owned in consortium by the Metropolitan City of Milan and 69 municipalities, one of which is the Municipality of Milan.
AFOL Metropolitana offers a range of services in terms of professional training, orientation, and work, built on the needs of citizens and businesses the aims of which are:
- to prevent and combat unemployment
- to increase employability and improve job quality
- to favor the development of human capital
- to support local development
The integration of services for training, guidance and employment represents one of the greatest strengths of the activity carried out by the agency, and this integration makes its task effective in the achievement of specific goals.
Afol is active in international networks thanks to its participation in projects and programs funded at national and European level, aimed at introducing new methodologies and innovativeness in the areas of its competence.
AFOL Metropolitana is accredited by the Lombardy Region for services for employment and training.
REVES is the only European organization based on a partnership between local and regional authorities and territorial social economy organizations. REVES Members are those local authorities or social economy organizations that are presently developing or are willing to develop policies to promote a social and solidarity-based economy and a more fair, inclusive, participative, and responsible society.
REVES is a network of social innovation in terms both of methods and procedures based on the co-construction and shared capacities of the members and their territories. Since 1996, REVES and its members develop, share, and propose partnership-based policies to promote the centrality of the regional and local level in the European construction. REVES has members from 15 EU Member States, and actively co-operates with the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European Committee of the Regions, and the European Economic and Social Committee.
Furthermore, REVES is a founding member of Social Economy Europe and is a partner for all EU civil society organizations sharing and pursuing a vision of a sustainable and fair society.
For REVES, “social economy” are cooperatives, mutual societies, associations, foundations and, more in general, all those organizations asserting the “primacy of individual and of social objective over capital, the voluntary and open membership, the democratic control by membership, the combination of interests of members/users and the general interest, the defense and application of the principle of solidarity and responsibility, the autonomous management and the sustainable use of most of the surpluses”.
Lifeed is the digital training that transforms real life into a master for professional growth. Through the Life Based Learning method, life transitions become training grounds for soft skills training. People feel stronger and companies gain competitive advantages: greater commitment – and therefore productivity, profitability, and loyalty.